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Greetings From Blackout City**

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Greetings From Blackout City**
Food cart vendor (5th Ave)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Lower Manhattanites Love NY...they're not so found of Sandy. (West Village)

Greetings From Blackout City**
First things first, open the liquor stores! (6th Ave)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Flashlight salesman (6th Ave)

Greetings From Blackout City**
It sucks when your next door deluxe apartment neighbor has power and you don't. (6th Ave)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Kids will go to great lengths to change public opinion when candy is involved. (West Village)

Greetings From Blackout City**
BP down. (East Village)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Sandy...bad for mass transit...good for bicycle awareness. (Manhattan Bridge)

Greetings From Blackout City**
People still somehow find ways to consume mass amounts of crap without electricty. (West Village)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Powerman patrolling the empty streets of Blackout City. (West Village)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Payphones making a comeback. (East Village)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Last human in Blackout City with a laptop charge. (West Village)

Greetings From Blackout City**
Isolated? Alone? (West Village)

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